Cycles is the famed Blender renderer used by countless animators and VFX artists. We integrated Cycles in SAMSON to make it extremely easy to produce fantastic-looking molecular images and animations. Here’s a short thread that explains the 5 simple steps:…
To activate clipping in SAMSON, hold Ctrl + Shift and click where you would like the clipping plane to be (or in the void to stop clipping). You can then use Ctrl + Shift + Wheel to move the clipping…
To enrich your images and animations in SAMSON, you can import OBJ and glTF files. You can then place them where you want and hit F9 to render using Cycles. You can also adjust their materials using the Inspector. Link…
To animate atoms moving and deforming in SAMSON, select them and add a Move atoms animation to your presentation. You can then add and control multiple keyframes that SAMSON will smoothly interpolate for you.
To quickly create an animation of two or more molecules assembling, select them and double-click the Assemble button in the Animator (Ctrl / Cmd + 7). This will automatically determine the initial and final position of each molecule, and add…
To make molecules refractive when you use Cycles in SAMSON, increase the transmission coefficient. You can also directly use Appearance presets to quickly change multiple coefficients at the same time. Check the YouTube short at
To quickly change the look of objects when rendering with Cycles in SAMSON (Trace mode, shortcut F9), first apply a material, then apply an appearance preset in the Inspector.
To show molecules in the Goodsell Illustrative style in two steps, go to Visualization menu > Visual model > Visual Preset and choose Illustrative, then go to Visualization menu > Presets and choose Illustrative as well. The first step will…